Thanks thus far for helping me and being patient.(Rare for the Internet these days)Īlso thanks for anyone else who cares to jump in :0)ĮDIT:The max length of my raw hex values is 16 which is more than the 10 you informed me about. Is there a way to simplify this.format the raw hex values with the leading zeros truncated so I can then simply HEX2DEC the truncated values? Notice how leading zeros aren't uniform in length for each attribute? Also if I don't get rid of the ZEROS leading by hand the HEX2DEC returns an error message or displays nothing or a 0 in the cell. Here is the Raw data when it's copied to the clipboard in the next set of linesĠ0000000462DDB26 TotalĜount of Read SectorsĠ000000020F099D0 TotalĜount of Write SectorsĠ000000001392A73 TotalĜount of ReadĜommandsĥ1100 TotalĜount ofĞrror bits from flashĠ0000000000510F2 TotalĜount of Read Sectors withĜorrectableěitĞrrors

The HEX values come from Crystal-Mark Info(Gives SMART values for my 128GB (SSD) Solid State Drive) Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. The number can have a maximum of 10 places. The result is the decimal number for the hexadecimal number entered. This kind of error will appear as an annoying notification on your screen unless handled and corrected. It doesn't necessarily mean that the code was corrupt in some way, but just that it did not work during its run-time. Thomasjk wrote:From the help for this formula: Runtime Code 502 happens when OpenOfficefails or crashes whilst it's running, hence its name.